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Interface ISvgSvgElement


A key interface definition is the ISvgSvgElement interface, which is the interface that corresponds to the 'svg' element.

public interface ISvgSvgElement : ISvgElement, IElement, IXmlElement, INode, IXmlNode, ISvgTests, ISvgLangSpace, ISvgExternalResourcesRequired, ISvgStylable, ISvgLocatable, ISvgFitToViewBox, ISvgZoomAndPan, IEventTarget, ISvgElementVisitorTarget
Inherited Members


This interface contains various miscellaneous commonly-used utility methods, such as matrix operations and the ability to control the time of redraw on visual rendering devices. ISvgSvgElement extends ViewCSS and DocumentCSS to provide access to the computed values of properties and the override style sheet as described in DOM2.



Corresponds to attribute contentScriptType on the given 'svg' element.


Corresponds to attribute contentStyleType on the given 'svg' element.


This attribute indicates the current scale factor relative to the initial view to take into account user magnification and panning operations, as described under Magnification and panning.


The current time in seconds relative to the start time for the current SVG document fragment.


The corresponding translation factor that takes into account user "magnification".


The definition of the initial view (i.e., before magnification and panning) of the current innermost SVG document fragment.


Corresponds to attribute height on the given 'svg' element.


Size of a pixel unit (as defined by CSS2) along the x-axis of the viewport, which represents a unit somewhere in the range of 70dpi to 120dpi, and, on systems that support this, might actually match the characteristics of the target medium.


Corresponding size of a pixel unit along the y-axis of the viewport.


User interface (UI) events in DOM Level 2 indicate the screen positions at which the given UI event occurred. When the user agent actually knows the physical size of a "screen unit", this attribute will express that information; otherwise, user agents will provide a suitable default value such as .28mm.


Corresponding size of a screen pixel along the y-axis of the viewport.


The initial view (i.e., before magnification and panning) of the current innermost SVG document fragment can be either the "standard" view (i.e., based on attributes on the 'svg' element such as fitBoxToViewport) or to a "custom" view (i.e., a hyperlink into a particular 'view' or other element - see Linking into SVG content: URI fragments and SVG views). If the initial view is the "standard" view, then this attribute is false. If the initial view is a "custom" view, then this attribute is true.


The position and size of the viewport (implicit or explicit) that corresponds to this 'svg' element.


Corresponds to attribute width on the given 'svg' element.


Corresponds to attribute x on the given 'svg' element.


Corresponds to attribute y on the given 'svg' element.



Returns true if this SVG document fragment is in a paused state.

CheckEnclosure(ISvgElement, ISvgRect)

Returns true if the rendered content of the given element is entirely contained within the supplied rectangle, honoring the 'pointer-events' property value on each candidate graphics element.

CheckIntersection(ISvgElement, ISvgRect)

Returns true if the rendered content of the given element intersects the supplied rectangle, honoring the 'pointer-events' property value on each candidate graphics element.


Creates an SVGAngle object outside of any document trees. The object is initialized to the value 0 degrees (unitless).


Creates an SVGLength object outside of any document trees. The object is initialized to the value of 0 user units.


Creates an SVGMatrix object outside of any document trees. The object is initialized to the identity matrix.


Creates an SVGNumber object outside of any document trees. The object is initialized to a value of zero.


Creates an SVGPoint object outside of any document trees. The object is initialized to the point (0,0) in the user coordinate system.


Creates an SVGRect object outside of any document trees. The object is initialized such that all values are set to 0 user units.


Creates an SVGTransform object outside of any document trees. The object is initialized to an identity matrix transform (SVG_TRANSFORM_MATRIX).


Creates an SVGTransform object outside of any document trees. The object is initialized to the given matrix transform (i.e., SVG_TRANSFORM_MATRIX).


Unselects any selected objects, including any selections of text strings and type-in bars.


In rendering environments supporting interactivity, forces the user agent to immediately redraw all regions of the viewport that require updating.


Searches this SVG document fragment (i.e., the search is restricted to a subset of the document tree) for an Element whose id is given by elementId.

GetEnclosureList(ISvgRect, ISvgElement)

Returns the list of graphics elements whose rendered content is entirely contained within the supplied rectangle, honoring the 'pointer-events' property value on each candidate graphics element.

GetIntersectionList(ISvgRect, ISvgElement)

Returns the list of graphics elements whose rendered content intersects the supplied rectangle, honoring the 'pointer-events' property value on each candidate graphics element.


Suspends (i.e., pauses) all currently running animations that are defined within the SVG document fragment corresponding to this 'svg' element, causing the animation clock corresponding to this document fragment to stand still until it is unpaused.


Takes a time-out value which indicates that redraw shall not occur until certain conditions are met.


Unsuspends (i.e., unpauses) currently running animations that are defined within the SVG document fragment, causing the animation clock to continue from the time at which it was suspended.


Cancels a specified suspendRedraw() by providing a unique suspend_handle_id.


Cancels all currently active suspendRedraw() method calls. been cancelled.