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Interface ISvgDocument


The root object in the document object hierarchy of an Svg document.

public interface ISvgDocument : IDocument, INode, IXmlNode
Inherited Members


When an 'svg' element is embedded inline as a component of a document from another namespace, such as when an 'svg' element is embedded inline within an XHTML document [XHTML], then an ISvgDocument object will not exist; instead, the root object in the document object hierarchy will be a Document object of a different type, such as an HTMLDocument object.

However, an ISvgDocument object will indeed exist when the root element of the XML document hierarchy is an 'svg' element, such as when viewing a stand-alone SVG file (i.e., a file with MIME type "image/svg+xml"). In this case, the ISvgDocument object will be the root object of the document object model hierarchy.

In the case where an SVG document is embedded by reference, such as when an XHTML document has an 'object' element whose href attribute references an SVG document (i.e., a document whose MIME type is "image/svg+xml" and whose root element is thus an 'svg' element), there will exist two distinct DOM hierarchies. The first DOM hierarchy will be for the referencing document (e.g., an XHTML document). The second DOM hierarchy will be for the referenced SVG document. In this/ second DOM hierarchy, the root object of the document object model hierarchy is an ISvgDocument object.

The ISvgDocument interface contains a similar list of attributes and methods to the HTMLDocument interface described in the Document Object Model (HTML) Level 1 chapter of the [DOM1] specification.



The domain name of the server that served the document, or a null string if the server cannot be identified by a domain name.


Returns the URI of the page that linked to this page.


The root 'svg' element in the document hierarchy.


Gets a value specifying whether this document is in static mode. In static mode (non-interactive), events are not processed.


The title of a document as specified by the title sub-element of the 'svg' root element.


The complete URI of the document.


The window object of the Svg document.