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Method InitMouseEvent


InitMouseEvent(string, bool, bool, IAbstractView, long, long, long, long, long, bool, bool, bool, bool, ushort, IEventTarget)

The InitMouseEvent method is used to initialize the value of a MouseEvent created using the IDocumentEvent.CreateEvent method.

void InitMouseEvent(string typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, IAbstractView viewArg, long detailArg, long screenXArg, long screenYArg, long clientXArg, long clientYArg, bool ctrlKeyArg, bool altKeyArg, bool shiftKeyArg, bool metaKeyArg, ushort buttonArg, IEventTarget relatedTargetArg)


typeArg string

Specifies the event type.

canBubbleArg bool

Specifies whether or not the event can bubble.

cancelableArg bool

Specifies whether or not the event's default action can be prevented.

viewArg IAbstractView

Specifies the IEvent's view.

detailArg long

Specifies the IEvent's mouse click count.

screenXArg long

Specifies the IEvent's screen x coordinate.

screenYArg long

Specifies the IEvent's screen y coordinate.

clientXArg long

Specifies the IEvent's client x coordinate.

clientYArg long

Specifies the IEvent's client y coordinate.

ctrlKeyArg bool

Specifies whether or not control key was depressed during the IEvent.

altKeyArg bool

Specifies whether or not alt key was depressed during the IEvent.

shiftKeyArg bool

Specifies whether or not shift key was depressed during the IEvent.

metaKeyArg bool

Specifies whether or not meta key was depressed during the IEvent.

buttonArg ushort

Specifies the IEvent's mouse button.

relatedTargetArg IEventTarget

Specifies the IEvent's related IEventTarget.


This method may only be called before the IMouseEvent has been dispatched via the IEventTarget.DispatchEvent method, though it may be called multiple times before being dispatched. If called multiple times, the final invocation takes precedence.