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Interface ICustomEvent


The ICustomEvent interface gives access to the attributes IEvent.CurrentTarget and IEvent.EventPhase.

public interface ICustomEvent : IEvent
Inherited Members


It is intended to be used by the DOM Events implementation to access the underlying current target and event phase while dispatching a custom IEvent in the tree; it is also intended to be implemented, and not used, by DOM applications.

The methods contained in this interface are not intended to be used by a DOM application, especially during the dispatch on the Event object. Changing the current target or the current phase may conduct into unpredictable results of the event flow. The DOM Events implementation should ensure that both methods return the appropriate current target and phase before invoking each event listener on the current target to protect DOM applications from malicious event listeners.

Note: If this interface is supported by the event object, IEvent.IsCustom must return true.



The IsImmediatePropagationStopped method is used by the DOM Events implementation to know if the method IEvent.StopImmediatePropagation has been called for this event. It returns true if the method has been called, false otherwise.


This method will return true if the method IEvent.StopPropagation has been called for this event, false in any other cases.


SetDispatchState(IEventTarget, ushort)

The SetDispatchState method is used by the DOM Events implementation to set the values of IEvent.CurrentTarget and IEvent.EventPhase.