Table of Contents

Method Scale


Scale(float, float)

Applies the specified scale vector to this SvgTransformF by prepending the scale vector.

public void Scale(float scaleX, float scaleY)


scaleX float

The value by which to scale this SvgTransformF in the x-axis direction.

scaleY float

The value by which to scale this SvgTransformF in the y-axis direction.

Scale(float, float, SvgTransformOrder)

Applies the specified scale vector to this SvgTransformF using the specified order.

public void Scale(float scaleX, float scaleY, SvgTransformOrder order)


scaleX float

The value by which to scale this SvgTransformF in the x-axis direction.

scaleY float

The value by which to scale this SvgTransformF in the y-axis direction.

order SvgTransformOrder

A SvgTransformOrder that specifies the order (append or prepend) in which the scale vector is applied to this SvgTransformF.