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Method SuspendRedraw



Takes a time-out value which indicates that redraw shall not occur until: (a) the corresponding unsuspendRedraw(suspend_handle_id) call has been made, (b) an unsuspendRedrawAll() call has been made, or (c) its timer has timed out. In environments that do not support interactivity (e.g., print media), then redraw shall not be suspended. suspend_handle_id = suspendRedraw(max_wait_milliseconds) and unsuspendRedraw(suspend_handle_id) must be packaged as balanced pairs. When you want to suspend redraw actions as a collection of SVG DOM changes occur, then precede the changes to the SVG DOM with a method call similar to suspend_handle_id = suspendRedraw(max_wait_milliseconds) and follow the changes with a method call similar to unsuspendRedraw(suspend_handle_id). Note that multiple suspendRedraw calls can be used at once and that each such method call is treated independently of the other suspendRedraw method calls.

public int SuspendRedraw(int maxWaitMilliseconds)


maxWaitMilliseconds int

The amount of time in milliseconds to hold off before redrawing the device. Values greater than 60 seconds will be truncated down to 60 seconds.



A number which acts as a unique identifier for the given suspendRedraw() call. This value must be passed as the parameter to the corresponding unsuspendRedraw() method call.