Table of Contents

Enum SvgFilterBlendMode


The basic Filter Blend Modes

public enum SvgFilterBlendMode : ushort


Unknown = 0

The type is not one of predefined types. It is invalid to attempt to define a new value of this type or to attempt to switch an existing value to this type.

Normal = 1

Corresponds to value normal.

Multiply = 2

Corresponds to value multiply.

Screen = 3

Corresponds to value screen.

Darken = 4

Corresponds to value darken.

Lighten = 5

Corresponds to value lighten.

Overlay = 6

Corresponds to value overlay.

ColorDodge = 7

Corresponds to value color-dodge.

ColorBurn = 8

Corresponds to value color-burn.

HardLight = 9

Corresponds to value hard-light.

SoftLight = 10

Corresponds to value soft-light.

Difference = 11

Corresponds to value difference.

Exclusion = 12

Corresponds to value exclusion.

Hue = 13

Corresponds to value hue.

Saturation = 14

Corresponds to value saturation.

Color = 15

Corresponds to value color.

Luminosity = 16

Corresponds to value luminosity.