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Method InitMouseEventNs


InitMouseEventNs(string, string, bool, bool, IAbstractView, long, long, long, long, long, bool, bool, bool, bool, ushort, IEventTarget, bool)

The InitMouseEventNs method is used to initialize the value of a IMouseEvent created using the IDocumentEvent.CreateEvent interface.

public void InitMouseEventNs(string namespaceUri, string eventType, bool bubbles, bool cancelable, IAbstractView view, long detail, long screenX, long screenY, long clientX, long clientY, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, ushort button, IEventTarget relatedTarget, bool altGraphKey)


namespaceUri string

Specifies the namespace URI associated with this event, or null if the application wish to have no namespace.

eventType string
bubbles bool
cancelable bool
view IAbstractView
detail long
screenX long
screenY long
clientX long
clientY long
ctrlKey bool
altKey bool
shiftKey bool
metaKey bool
button ushort
relatedTarget IEventTarget
altGraphKey bool


This method may only be called before the IMouseEvent has been dispatched via the IEventTarget.DispatchEvent method, though it may be called multiple times during that phase if necessary. If called multiple times, the final invocation takes precedence.