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Method InitEventNs


InitEventNs(string, string, bool, bool)

(DOM Level 3 Experimental) The InitEventNs method is used to initialize the value of an IEvent created through the IDocumentEvent interface.

public void InitEventNs(string namespaceUri, string eventType, bool bubbles, bool cancelable)


namespaceUri string
eventType string
bubbles bool
cancelable bool


This method may only be called before the IEvent has been dispatched via the IEventTarget.DispatchEvent method, though it may be called multiple times the event has been dispatched. If called multiple times the final invocation takes precedence. If a call to InitEventNs is made after one of the IEvent derived interfaces' init methods has been called, only the values specified in the InitEventNs method are modified, all other attributes are left unchanged. This method sets the IEvent.Type attribute to eventTypeArg, and IEvent.NamespaceUri to namespaceUriArg.