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Enum CssPrimitiveType


The CssPrimitiveType enumeration contains the list of possible primitive value types in CSS. This class is an extension of the CSS spec. The CSS spec has a list of constants instead of an enum class.

public enum CssPrimitiveType


Unknown = 0

The value is not a recognized CSS2 value. The value can only be obtained by using the cssText attribute.

Number = 1

The value is a simple number. The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue method.

Percentage = 2

The value is a percentage. The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue method.

Ems = 3

The value is a length (ems). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue method.

Exs = 4

The value is a length (exs). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue method.

Px = 5

The value is a length (px). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue method.

Cm = 6

The value is a length (cm). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue method.

Mm = 7

The value is a length (mm). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue method.

In = 8

The value is a length (in). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue method.

Pt = 9

The value is a length (pt). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue method.

Pc = 10

The value is a length (pc). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue method.

Deg = 11

The value is an angle (deg). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue method.

Rad = 12

The value is an angle (rad). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue method.

Grad = 13

The value is an angle (grad). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue method.

Ms = 14

The value is a time (ms). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue method.

S = 15

The value is a time (s). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue method.

Hz = 16

The value is a frequency (Hz). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue method.

KHz = 17

The value is a frequency (kHz). The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue method.

Dimension = 18

The value is a number with an unknown dimension. The value can be obtained by using the getFloatValue method.

String = 19

The value is a STRING. The value can be obtained by using the getStringValue method.

Uri = 20

The value is a URI. The value can be obtained by using the getStringValue method.

Ident = 21

The value is an identifier. The value can be obtained by using the getStringValue method.

Attr = 22

The value is a attribute function. The value can be obtained by using the getStringValue method.

Counter = 23

The value is a counter or counters function. The value can be obtained by using the getCounterValue method.

Rect = 24

The value is a rect function. The value can be obtained by using the getRectValue method.

RgbColor = 25

The value is a RGB color. The value can be obtained by using the getRGBColorValue method.

Vars = 25

The value is a var() or custom properties.