Table of Contents

Enum ImageEncoderType


This specifies the encoder type used to encode a collection of bitmap frame objects to an image stream.

This is used by the ImageSvgConverter converter.

public enum ImageEncoderType


BmpBitmap = 0

Specifies an encoder that is used to encode bitmap (BMP) format images, that is BmpBitmapEncoder.

GifBitmap = 1

Specifies an encoder that is used to encode Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) images, that is GifBitmapEncoder.

JpegBitmap = 2

Specifies an encoder that is used to encode Joint Photographics Experts Group (JPEG) format images, that is JpegBitmapEncoder.

PngBitmap = 3

Specifies an encoder that is used to encode Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format images, that is PngBitmapEncoder.

TiffBitmap = 4

Specifies an encoder that is used to encode Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) images, that is TiffBitmapEncoder.

WmpBitmap = 5

Specifies an encoder that is used to Microsoft Windows Media Photo (WDP) images, that is WmpBitmapEncoder.

See Also