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Constructor FileSvgReader


FileSvgReader(WpfDrawingSettings, bool)

Initializes a new instance of the FileSvgReader class with the specified drawing or rendering settings.

public FileSvgReader(WpfDrawingSettings settings, bool isEmbedded = false)


settings WpfDrawingSettings

This specifies the settings used by the rendering or drawing engine. If this is null, the default settings is used.

isEmbedded bool

A value indicating whether this converter is embedded or not.

FileSvgReader(bool, bool, DirectoryInfo, WpfDrawingSettings, bool)

Initializes a new instance of the FileSvgConverter class with the specified drawing or rendering settings, the saving options and the working directory.

public FileSvgReader(bool saveXaml, bool saveZaml, DirectoryInfo workingDir, WpfDrawingSettings settings, bool isEmbedded = false)


saveXaml bool

This specifies whether to save result object tree in XAML file.

saveZaml bool

This specifies whether to save result object tree in ZAML file. The ZAML is simply a G-Zip compressed XAML format, similar to the SVGZ.

workingDir DirectoryInfo

The working directory, where converted outputs are saved.

settings WpfDrawingSettings

This specifies the settings used by the rendering or drawing engine. If this is null, the default settings is used.

isEmbedded bool